Fran in Trendsetters to Trendsetters!

trend2trendmagazine“Fast Talker Extraordinaire” –When you meet Fran Capo, you think, “Wow, that is one feisty, funny ball of energy!” By proclamation of the City of New York Fran Capo is a renaissance woman.

Dubbed “Fast Talker Extraordinaire” by the Associated Press, Fran doesn’t mind if you call her motor mouth. In fact, she’s proud of it! Fran is The Guinness Book of World Records fastest talking female clocked at 603.32 words in 54.2 seconds. That’s 11 words a second! Her record also appears in Ripley’s, and in Believe the Unbelievable.

She has appeared on over 4500 radio and 350 TV shows including; Good Morning America, Larry King Live, The Late Show, ET, More than Human, Martha Stewart and CNN where her segment was voted top 5 watched.

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